A description of where this project is, and where it's headed.
This roadmap lays out the planned feature development set for Bitgem. This is all subject to change due to community guidance and governance.
Phase 0.1: Bitgem and Soft Launch
This was the initial Bitgem and Bitlootbox launch up to now. Bitgem officially soft-launched in early May, on Ethereum, Binance, Avalanche and Fantom.
As of the time of writing, the Bitgem contracts alone have minted over 100k NFT gems so far, spread across 77 different
We launched two sites featuring our staking pools - which is focusing on minting items that are planned to be used in the eventual creation of a digital world that uses them, and, a site focused more purely on digital collectibles.
Phase 1: Bitgem v2 Official Launch
Targeted for mid-July, the official launch of Bitgem V2 comes in threeparts:
Part 1: Bitgem V2 Launch / Migration
This step involves:
Launching the Bitgem V2 contracts
Migrating all current Bitgems from the V1 platform to V2.
All gems minted on the Bitgem and Bitlootbox v1 system will be migrated to V2. The Bitgem v2 migration will be self-service except for a small number of large Bitgem holders, for whom we can run migration scripts to perform bulk migrations.
Part 2: Bitgem V2 IDO
With the new contracts launched and all current holders converted to Bitgem V2 holding, we will be ready for our IDO. Click here for tokenomics details.
Part 3: Paintswap AMM Integration
BItgem is integrating with Paintswap for erc20 wrapped commodity Gem trading. We are excited to be using their platform and will be creating LPs on Paintswap for each Bitgem NFT staking pool created and curated by us.
Part 3: Curated Gem Pools
Bitgem will continue to publish created gem pools in order to provide a steady stream of new NFT content for staking. It is expected that artists will eventually participate in this process actively by creating content in partnership with the Bitgem team.
Phase 2: NFT Exchange for Unique NFTs
The next phase of the Bitgem project focuses on integrating an NFT exchange for unique NFT Gems and we are targeting a September release. Potential technology providers are still under review, and while we would prefer to partner with an existing NFT exchange, if none is a clear choice by V2 launch we will plan to build this functionality ourselves.
Phase 3: PoC Game on Bitgem / Developer API Release
We are creating a game specially designed to take advantage of the Bitgem staking pool technology, targeted for release in November.
This game will feature extensive use of all Bitgem staking pool technology, and its source code will be made available for those seeking to enhance it for their own use. The game will be a core component of our developer resources platform.
A big part of Bitgem V2 is our focus on the creation of developer resources and support in order to make it easy for people to create apps that use Bitgem staking pools. A critical part of what will make Bitgem a success is its adoption into other games and apps built on Fantom. To that end we will be focusing much of our resources on making this a reality quickly.
Phase 4: To Infinity and Beyond
Once Bitgem is established in other apps, has a strong PoC and developer resources available , and has means to trade the Gems (and Claims) generated in its pools either as generic commodity items or unique collectibles, it has achieved its core goals.
This inflection moment will mark the completion of the initial design goals for Bitgem, making it self-sustainable through the application of fees towards projects that directly work to maintain its core technology and establish the grander Bitgem vision of creating and furnishing entire worlds using NFTs and most especially, being a core component of the financial infrastructure that makes that happen.
Last updated
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